12/23/2024 5:06:22 PM Using AI For Product Reviews and Testimonials? By Terri Seligman First announced in September as part of its Operation AI Comply sweep, the final consent order against Rytr, an AI “testimonial and...
11/8/2024 4:27:23 PM FTC Charges Consumer Review Platform With Misrepresenting Product Reviews By Terri Seligman This week, the FTC announced a proposed settlement with GGL Products, dba Sitejabber, an artificial intelligence-enabled review platform....
10/2/2023 10:18:58 PM Too Good To Be True? Marketer To Pay Almost $2 Million for False Shipping Claims and For Posting Only Positive Reviews By Terri Seligman Hey Dude Shoes, an online shoe retailer, has agreed to pay $1.95 million and to make changes to certain of its practices to settle an...
2/17/2023 6:19:28 PM FTC Announces First Action Involving "Review Hijacking" By Terri Seligman Ever wonder why a brand new product you were considering purchasing has so many reviews on Amazon? Like, if it’s so new, how did it...
12/27/2022 10:29:48 PM Product Review Site and The Impact of Affiliate Links Scrutinized by NAD Again By Terri Seligman Like the FTC, NAD has long been interested in the product review ecosystem and, in particular, in review sites that purport to be...
9/13/2022 10:50:43 PM “Improving the health of the online review ecosystem” By Terri Seligman In a Business Blog post today, Samuel Levine, Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection, provided some warnings and guidance to...
8/6/2022 11:35:12 PM Amazon Sues Thousands of Sellers of Fake Reviews (Again) By Terri Seligman In a complaint with several paragraphs devoted to describing its own efforts to protect the integrity of the product review ecosystem,...
3/30/2022 9:47:49 PM More Guidance from NAD on Product Reviews By Terri Seligman Function and Prose, two “online purveyors of customizable hair products” (and clearly fierce competitors) have been at it for a while,...
2/9/2022 12:22:13 AM NAD Tells Review Site That Disclosing Bias is Not the Same As Actually Being Unbiased By Terri Seligman NAD, like the FTC, has had ample opportunity and cause to dive into the review eco-system and it frequently has done so. (For example,...
1/26/2022 2:33:42 AM The FTC Cracks Down On, and Provides New Guidance to Prevent, Suppression of Negative Reviews By Terri Seligman In a trio of announcements, the FTC has left little doubt about its continued interest in protecting the product review ecosystem to...
7/16/2021 10:39:34 PM More learning from NAD on product reviews and touting them in advertising By Terri Seligman Turning the tables from its last case with Per Se, customizable hair care product seller Function challenged its competitor Per Se in...
3/19/2021 12:00:00 AM New NAD Decision Addresses Claim Based on Product Reviews By Terri Seligman It’s a short but meaty decision, providing good guidance for using customer reviews in advertising. Using NAD’s Fast-Track SWIFT program,...
2/3/2021 12:00:00 AM When Do Sponsored Product Reviews Become Advertising? By Jeff Greenbaum Does the First Amendment protect a publisher of supposedly independent product reviews if it turns out that the publisher was actually...
1/19/2021 12:00:00 AM False Claim of Independence By Product Review Sites Gives Rise to Potential Liability By Terri Seligman Brag all you want. But if you brag falsely claiming that everyone independently agrees with you, you might be liable for false...
11/29/2020 2:42:37 AM Court Holds Lanham Act Defendant Liable for Manipulated Product Reviews By Terri Seligman The US district court in Utah recently issued interesting Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in a Lanham Act case addressing, among...
2/8/2019 12:15:30 AM Court Find that Product Reviews With Affiliate Links Subject to Lanham Act By Terri Seligman The Southern District of California has just issued an interesting Lanham Act decision that addresses product reviews and affiliate...