7/27/2022 1:20:59 PM Hulu Says it Will Now Accept Issue Advertising By Jeff Greenbaum According to media reports, Hulu confirmed that it will now accept issue advertising. Disney said, "After a thorough review of ad...
7/24/2022 10:49:01 PM The Art of the Con By Terri Seligman Film buffs may remember “Paper Moon,” the 1973 film directed by the late great Peter Bogdanovich. The film, set in Depression era...
7/23/2022 6:54:08 PM California, Commercial Co-Ventures and Charitable Fundraising Platforms, Oh My! By Terri Seligman Kelly O'Donnell As of January 1, 2023, commercial co-venturing and other types of cause marketing activities in the state of California are going to get...
7/19/2022 10:38:33 PM NYC Reaches $800K Settlement With Group of Used Car Dealers By Jeff Greenbaum Late last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Vilda Vera...
7/19/2022 4:23:46 PM Warren Introduces New Bill to Address False Advertising at Crisis Pregnancy Centers By Catrina Livermore In an effort to combat false and inaccurate claims about reproductive health at crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), Senators Elizabeth...
7/15/2022 6:12:16 PM When Can You Charge More for the "Same" Product? By Ariel Radow Coppertone sunscreen-maker Beiersdorf, Inc. is facing a proposed class action brought on by buyers who say they’ve been duped into paying...
7/15/2022 1:53:11 PM Is "Honey" the Primary Sweetener in "Honey Graham Crackers"? By Jeff Greenbaum Retail store chain Dollar General sells Clover Valley "Honey Graham Crackers." In a lawsuit against the company, the plaintiff alleged...
7/14/2022 1:16:47 PM Does the "FIT" in "FIT SNACKS" Mean That the Product is Healthy? By Jeff Greenbaum Alani Nutrition is the manufacturer of FIT SNACKS protein bars. In a lawsuit, the plaintiffs alleged that Alani misled consumers about...
7/9/2022 6:23:28 PM NAD Issues Decisions Regarding Privacy Claims By Browsers By Maria Nava The National Advertising Division (NAD) recently published decisions regarding browser privacy claims. The decisions show that even when...
7/9/2022 6:21:59 PM Weber Agrees to Fix Warranties after FTC Takes Action Over ‘Right to Repair’ By Ariel Radow The FTC has ordered Weber-Stephen Products, LLC to fix its warranty terms, charging that Weber’s warranty included terms that restricted...
7/7/2022 9:17:43 PM Ceci N'est Pas Un Hamburger: France is First EU Country to Ban Use of Meat Names on Plant-Based Food By Matt Vittone France is enacting a new law that prohibits the use of meat names on plant-based food products. The new French law, which goes into...
7/6/2022 1:51:10 AM Posthumous Right of Publicity Law Covering Digital Replicas Goes Into Effect in Louisiana By Matt Vittone A new right of publicity law, the Allen Toussaint Legacy Act, goes into effect in Louisiana on August 1, 2022. The Act, named for the...
7/6/2022 1:48:21 AM Court Agrees to Help Mayim Bialik Fight False CBD Endorsements By Ariel Radow Last week, actress and TV personality Mayim Bialik got a Florida federal court’s help to remove CBD endorsements from the internet that...
7/4/2022 2:47:24 PM "Hand-Built in Brooklyn" and Other "Made in USA" Enforcement From the FTC By Jeff Greenbaum Although the United States celebrates its founding each year on July 4th, the Federal Trade Commission -- the federal agency primarily...