7/6/2020 4:57:49 PM Pain free? Not these marketers By Terri Seligman The FTC has announced a $22 million settlement with the marketers of a “low-level light therapy device” called Willow Curve. The...
5/7/2019 12:00:00 AM Native Advertising: Label It, Says NAD By Terri Seligman NAD has just published a new Decision concerning advertising for cochlear implants that appeared in an AARP Bulletin. NAD brought the...
2/22/2019 11:26:53 PM Editorial Content or Advertising? Kim Kardashian's $10 million dollar lawsuit By Rick Kurnit Claims of commercial appropriation of a person’s identity — “the right of publicity” — require drawing a line between editorial and...
11/13/2018 10:14:41 PM New FTC Action Targets Social Media Campaign, Native Advertising and Customer Reviews By Terri Seligman The FTC has just announced two important settlements that highlight the FTC's continuing interest in deceptive practices involving...
3/2/2018 12:00:00 AM ASA Issues Guidance on Native Advertising By Terri Seligman New Zealand's Advertising Standards Authority ("ASA") has issued a Guidance Note to help advertisers, agencies, the media, influencers...
1/5/2018 10:14:27 PM FTC Research Indicates Disclosures Help Consumers Recognize Ads By Terri Seligman The FTC has long stated that consumers should be able to recognize an ad as an ad. And if disclosures are necessary to ensure that...
12/22/2017 12:00:00 AM FTC Settles with Hotel Resellers By Jeff Greenbaum Hotel resellers settled FTC charges that the resellers misled consumers into believing that they were reserving rooms directly with the...