10/13/2024 12:41:14 PM What Is An Advertiser’s Responsibility For the Rankings and Ratings It Receives? By Terri Seligman This recent(ish) NAD Decision in a Fast Track SWIFT case raises some interesting issues indeed. Upon challenge by the advertiser’s...
11/4/2022 5:14:34 PM Debt Settlement Claims at NAD, Part 2: Vulnerable Consumers, Up To Claims and Advertiser-Owned Review Sites By Terri Seligman And I was right. In my recent blog post about another NAD Decision, I noted that NAD is clearly paying attention to the debt settlement...
2/9/2022 12:22:13 AM NAD Tells Review Site That Disclosing Bias is Not the Same As Actually Being Unbiased By Terri Seligman NAD, like the FTC, has had ample opportunity and cause to dive into the review eco-system and it frequently has done so. (For example,...