3/11/2021 2:07:53 AM Robocalling + Sham Charities = $110 Million Judgment By Terri Seligman If you run, or run campaigns to support, a charity that engages professional fundraisers, this latest enforcement action announced by the...
7/21/2020 10:37:48 PM Just Because You Say Someone’s Not Your Agent Doesn’t Mean They’re Not By Terri Seligman Back in 2017, in an action initiated by the US and a number of states, a district court determined that DISH Network and its agents...
1/31/2020 8:34:33 PM “Knowing facilitation” of others’ illegal conduct in FTC’s crosshairs By Terri Seligman Nineteen VoIP providers, unnamed, have received letters from the FTC, warning them that actions "assisting and facilitating" various...
10/31/2018 12:00:00 AM Scary! By Terri Seligman It’s Halloween and the streets of NYC are filled with kids and adults in amazing costumes. My own daughter, a high school senior, went to...
6/1/2018 11:05:26 PM Fraud + Phone = Trouble By Terri Seligman The FTC reported today that the defendants in two student loan debt relief cases have agreed to settle claims that they charged consumers...
5/15/2018 11:07:59 PM Robot Calling? Better Have Consent. By Terri Seligman You answer the phone. After a moment of silence, a recorded voice starts a pitch. (You hang up.) This call may have been made with...