4/10/2022 6:19:00 PM FTC Says It's Reviving Old Notices of Penalty Offenses On Cars, Bait & Switch, Energy Savings, Fur, Home Improvement, Textiles, Toys, and Weight Loss By Jeff Greenbaum After last year's U.S. Supreme Court decision limiting the Federal Trade Commission's ability to obtain financial relief, the FTC has...
4/8/2022 9:02:48 PM Turning Its Attention to Green Claims, the FTC Targets Marketing of "Bamboo" Products By Jeff Greenbaum Late last year, the Federal Trade Commission said that it intended to begin a review of its Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing...
2/23/2022 2:15:06 PM FTC Closing Letter Reminds Marketers About the Importance of Maintaining Current Substantiation for U.S.-Origin Claims By Jeff Greenbaum The Federal Trade Commission recently closed an investigation into "Made in USA" claims made by the furniture and housewares retailer...
7/22/2021 11:54:33 AM Reversing Course, the FTC Decides to Retain its Rule Requiring Fabric Care Labels By Jeff Greenbaum At the FTC's open meeting yesterday, the Commission reversed course, and voted to retain the Care Labeling Rule. Last year, the FTC had...