12/26/2024 3:48:41 PM What’s Advertising and What’s Not? By Terri Seligman First of all, why does it matter? It matters because if a company’s materials are considered “advertising” – as opposed to, say,...
4/4/2023 6:30:46 PM Cops Sue Afroman Alleging "Lemon Pound Cake" Violates Their Right of Publicity By Brian Murphy In Saturday Night Live's cold open last weekend, the newly indicted Donald Trump (played by James Austin Johnson) announced his latest...
2/3/2021 12:00:00 AM When Do Sponsored Product Reviews Become Advertising? By Jeff Greenbaum Does the First Amendment protect a publisher of supposedly independent product reviews if it turns out that the publisher was actually...
1/28/2020 12:00:00 AM Tied Up in Knots? Tied House Laws and the First Amendment By Brian Murphy This post – about alcohol advertising, commercial speech and the First Amendment – is dedicated to the ascetics among us who are coming...
2/8/2019 12:15:30 AM Court Find that Product Reviews With Affiliate Links Subject to Lanham Act By Terri Seligman The Southern District of California has just issued an interesting Lanham Act decision that addresses product reviews and affiliate...
3/30/2018 8:30:24 PM Supplement Guide Not Subject To Lanham Act By Terri Seligman My interest piqued by Professor Tushnet's write-up, I reviewed this intriguing decision from the Southern District of California. (If...