7/23/2022 6:54:08 PM California, Commercial Co-Ventures and Charitable Fundraising Platforms, Oh My! By Terri Seligman Kelly O'Donnell As of January 1, 2023, commercial co-venturing and other types of cause marketing activities in the state of California are going to get...
6/21/2022 3:48:38 PM How Much Money Must You Give To Charity If You Induce People to “Donate”? By Terri Seligman The headline on the homepage of the Omaze website says “Win [Something Great] and help [Worthy Cause]”. You hit the enter button and go...
3/11/2021 2:07:53 AM Robocalling + Sham Charities = $110 Million Judgment By Terri Seligman If you run, or run campaigns to support, a charity that engages professional fundraisers, this latest enforcement action announced by the...
1/23/2019 8:38:42 PM AG Alleges Thrift Store Chain Deceives Consumers and Donors; Chain Claims Ads Protected by First Amendment By Terri Seligman Back in 2017, Washington's Attorney General sued TVI, Inc., the for-profit company that owns Value Village, the country's largest...