5/1/2021 3:57:21 PM FTC Sends Tenth Round of Warning Letters Over COVID-19 Claims to Marketers, Putting Social Media and Other Platforms on Notice as Well By Jeff Greenbaum The Federal Trade Commission announced that it sent out thirty more warning letters to marketers, directing them to stop making...
5/22/2020 12:21:59 PM FTC Sends Fifth Round of Warning Letters over COVID-19 Claims By Jeff Greenbaum The Federal Trade Commission announced that it sent another fifty warning letters telling marketers to stop making claims that their...
6/8/2019 12:00:00 AM FDA and FTC Send Joint Warning Letters to Companies for Non-Compliant Influencer Posts By Terri Seligman The FTC and the FDA announced today that they jointly sent warning letters to four companies that market flavored e-liquid products. The...