12/27/2024 2:38:42 PM Is Your Food Product ‘Healthy’ Under the FDA’s Revised Definition? By Kate Patton Terri Seligman The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it has issued a final rule to update the “healthy” claim that marketers can use on...
9/8/2023 10:29:46 PM Suit Over “Protein-Packed” Label Proceeds Against Chip Maker By Ariel Radow “Protein-packed” chips: are they actually a good source of protein, or misleading? A California judge allowed claims to proceed against...
3/23/2023 12:29:30 PM Suit Over Gut-Health Label Claims Proceeds Against Juice Maker By Ariel Radow NextFoods Inc. failed to get the claims dismissed that its GoodBelly Probiotic JuiceDrinks product labeling misleads consumers into...
10/2/2022 1:59:50 PM FDA Proposes New Definition for "Healthy" By Jeff Greenbaum Last week, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration proposed a new rule that would revise when the term "healthy" can be used on food...
3/1/2022 3:22:58 AM Is the Term "Health" Non-Actionable Puffery? By Jeff Greenbaum Health-Ade makes a line of "Health-Ade" branded kombucha beverages. The drinks -- which are promoted as a "bubbly probiotic tea for a...