11/5/2019 12:00:00 AM FTC to Influencers: Don’t Lie. Be Transparent. Keep It Simple. By Terri Seligman Just in case the Endorsement Guides, the FAQs, and the enforcement actions weren’t enough to educate your social media influencers in...
10/17/2019 12:31:48 AM Biased Endorsements (And Unsubstantiated Health Claims) Get FTC's Attention, Again By Terri Seligman As I blogged about earlier this week, the FTC really doesn’t like it when marketers’ unsubstantiated health claims can result in people...
6/19/2019 12:00:00 AM Even Yoginis Must Comply with the Endorsement Guides By Terri Seligman In a new decision about influencer advertising, the Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP) has recommended that Alo Yoga...
3/25/2019 12:00:00 AM Law School Exam Part 5: Am I An Influencer? By Terri Seligman It’s my youngest daughter’s last high school spring break and we’re celebrating with a family trip to Sicily. (Molto bene!) I used a...