4/19/2023 11:55:56 PM NAD Expands SWIFT Process to Accept Implied Claim Challenges By Kate Patton The National Advertising Division announced that it has expanded its Fast-Track SWIFT process, an expedited path for single-issue...
1/3/2023 6:04:08 PM NAD Ends 2022 With A Bang Not A Whimper By Terri Seligman 2023 is here, but a few NAD cases published towards the end of 2022 are worth noting. One case of interest is one initiated by NAD itself...
11/9/2021 11:23:06 PM NAD Announces New Fast-Track Lane Focused on Disclosures By Jordyn Milewski Today, BBB National Programs announced that NAD's Fast-Track SWIFT process is getting a new lane focused on disclosures. NAD launched its...
3/19/2021 12:00:00 AM New NAD Decision Addresses Claim Based on Product Reviews By Terri Seligman It’s a short but meaty decision, providing good guidance for using customer reviews in advertising. Using NAD’s Fast-Track SWIFT program,...
4/2/2020 12:00:00 AM NAD Launches Fast Track Challenge Process By Terri Seligman Jordyn Milewski NAD announced the launch of its fast track challenge process today. The process, dubbed SWIFT, for Single Well-Defined Issue Fast Track,...