11/6/2018 7:12:57 PM Coca-Cola Defeats Another "Diet" Class Action By Dorian Thomas In yet another suit against The Coca-Cola Company alleging that it was misleading to call Diet Coke a "diet" drink, the United States...
4/20/2018 8:05:30 PM S.D.N.Y Dismisses Complaint Alleging "Diet" Soda Did Not Assist In Weight Loss By Dorian Thomas A federal district court in New York recently dismissed a complaint brought against Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. alleging that Dr...
4/3/2018 11:47:09 PM Calling It "Diet" Soda Doesn't Mean That It Will Help Consumers Lose Weight By Jeff Greenbaum A federal district court in California recently dismissed a lawsuit brought against Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. ("Dr Pepper") that alleged...