10/5/2023 1:18:15 PM CARU Releases "Metaverse Guardrails" Outlining Best Practices for Advertising to Children in the Metaverse By Jordyn Milewski This week, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) released its “Metaverse Guardrails” which it says are “intended to be a set of...
4/10/2023 8:08:24 PM You're Invited: Upcoming Webinars, Seminars, and Conferences By Jeff Greenbaum If you're interested in hearing more about the latest developments in advertising, intellectual property, and privacy law, lawyers from...
10/25/2022 8:34:42 PM Takeaways from FTC’s “Protecting Kids from Stealth Advertising in Digital Media” Event By Ariel Radow Last week, the Federal Trade Commission hosted a virtual event on “Protecting Kids from Stealth Advertising in Digital Media,” providing...
9/29/2022 3:01:48 PM NFTs, Food, and Alcohol, all at GALA's Annual Advertising Law Conference By Jeff Greenbaum At next month's Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance annual advertising law conference, Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change,...
8/24/2022 1:48:19 PM CARU Issues Compliance Warning Regarding Children's Advertising in the Metaverse By Jeff Greenbaum BBB National Programs' Children's Advertising Review Unit issued a Compliance Warning, advising marketers that CARU's advertising...
1/17/2022 6:33:49 PM Digital Advertising: Five Things to Expect in 2022 By Rayna Lopyan 1. Renewed focus on transparency in programmatic media buying The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) commissioned a new in-depth...
10/10/2021 11:34:54 PM Welcome to the Future: Where CGI Influencers and the Blockchain Unite By Hannah Taylor Many remember the birth of the CGI Influencer, popularized around 2018, out of which the digitally-rendered stars, Shudu, Bermuda, and...
8/6/2021 11:00:23 PM Time to Learn About Discord, Where Social Media and the Metaverse Collide By Hannah Taylor The Metaverse is where it’s at. According to a recent New Yorker article, even Mark Zuckerberg plans to transition Facebook from a social...