6/26/2023 11:15:14 AM ASA announces stricter interpretation of green claims, with greater emphasis on social responsibility. By Brinsley Dresden Geraint Lloyd-Taylor On Friday 23rd June the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority issued an updated version of their guidance on misleading environmental...
8/22/2022 11:14:59 PM Will President Macron's ban on fossil fuel ads do anything to help save the planet? By Brinsley Dresden President Macron of France has been polishing up his halo, as well as his green credentials, by announcing that France will be the first...
6/6/2022 11:49:33 PM ASA issues progress report to mark UN's World Environment Day: but will the right balance be struck going forward? By Brinsley Dresden The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has taken the opportunity of the United Nations' World Environment Day on Sunday 5th June...