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ICAS Releases Overview of Transparency Standards

wWith global spending on influencer marketing expected to increase by 65% over the next year, the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation issued a statement emphasizing the importance of transparency in advertising on social media.  To support transparency efforts, ICAS released an overview of advertising standards around the world that address transparency-related issues.  

ICAS said that individual countries "have developed their own approach to the issue:  some consider that influencer marketing is covered by existing codes, guidelines or regulations, while others have adopted or are currently discussing special guidelines and programs to ensure that the disclosure principle is known, understood and properly implemented by online communities."  

The ICAS overview of transparency standards covers markets where ICAS has members.  The oveview provides information about standards in thirteen countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Romania, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 

"The principle of transparent disclosure of ads by social influencers applies in different markets around the globe"


advertising, influencers, social media, transparency, icas