Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced that he planned to nominate Rebecca Kelly Slaughter to serve another term as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission. In announcing the nomination, the White House said that, "Slaughter builds consensus for a progressive vision, and staunchly advocates for American consumers and workers."
In response to Biden's announcement, FTC Chair Lina M. Khan said, "She is a model commissioner, whose leadership and expertise have deeply enriched the FTC's vital work. I wish her a swift confirmation."
Slaughter, a Democrat, was originally appointed to the FTC by President Trump. She was sworn in as a Commissioner in May of 2018. In 2021, she served as Acting Chair of the FTC until Khan became Chair. Before joining the FTC, she served as Chief Counsel to Senator Charles Schumer.
The FTC has five Commissioners who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the President. Each Commissioner serves a seven-year term. No more than three Commissioners can be from the same political party. Slaughter is currently the longest serving Commissioner. In addition to Slaughter, the Commission has two other Democrats, Chair Khan and Alvaro Bedoya. Christine S. Wilson is the lone Republican on the FTC, since there is currently one vacancy.