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Advertising Law Updates

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The Truth About Advertising Law

NAD’s Annual Conference, “The Truth About Advertising Law” is coming soon. On September 24th and 25th, to be exact.  And, I’m excited to announce that I’m leading a panel on the topic of Customer Reviews: How to Use – And Not Abuse – Customer Feedback.  Along with panelists Martin Zwerling (Deputy Director of NAD), Laura Quintano (Combe), Jessica Barrie Smith (Uber) and Jonathan Truppman (Casper), we will be exploring issues relating to cherry-picking positive reviews, suppressing negative ones, aggregating and re-purposing reviews, and how to deal with incentivized reviews.  

Other topics at the conference include claim substantiation, ethics, relying on industry standards for claims, differing evidentiary standards, FTC referrals, and more.  One addition to the conference is a new panel where experienced NAD practitioners (including moi!) will field questions from NAD Director, Laura Brett, and the audience, on thorny procedural and substantive issues.  

Plus, NAD has just revealed that they will be announcing new rules on reopening cases based on new evidence.  You won’t want to miss it!

Hope to see you later this month. You can register here.


asrc, nad, advertising law