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Advertising Law Updates

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You're Invited: AICP Week 2023

The annual AICP Week in New York City kicks off on June 6th and, as usual, the AICP has a full schedule of events planned, culminating with -- what is one of my favorite New York City events -- the annual AICP awards and gala at MOMA. 

Every year during AICP Week, the AICP always presents some great legal content for production companies, advertising agencies, and others working in the business, and this year is no exception.  You can look at the full schedule for all of the details, but here are two sessions not to miss.

On June 6th at 9:30 a.m., there's the 10th edition of the ever-popular Lawyers on the Clock, where a panel of advertising lawyers -- including me! -- each has two minutes to answer some of the most pressing issues we're all facing today in the advertising industry.  

Then, later that afternoon at 2:00 p.m., my partner Hannah Taylor will be doing a presentation, Legal Perspective:  What the Advertising Business Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence.  

Hope to see you there!


advertising, commercial production, artificial intelligence