After months of preparations, IAB Slovakia together with the Association of Digital Marketing Agencies (ADMA) finally released and officially presented a brand new Code of Influencer Marketing that contains a set of rules for social media influencers and marketers who benefit from this popular marketing channel in Slovakia.
The new Code aims to address some wrong practices of influencers and help influencers and marketers act ethically and responsibly in their online campaigns.
The Code requires that any paid collaboration be duly endorsed in order to avoid confusion between the influencer's original and promotional content. In addition, the Code highlights some unwanted advertising practices, including, for example, fake reviews, unsubstantiated health claims or abuse of children's trust.
The Code will be directly binding on the members of the founding associations, as well on brands and influencers who will decide to sign the Code.
We are proud that our law firm NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS had the honour of being a part of the team compiling this very first Code of Influencer Marketing in Slovakia.
You can read more about this project here.
Na tvorbe slovenského Kódexu influencer marketingu spolupracovali IAB Slovakia a Asociácia digitálnych marketingových agentúr (ADMA), ktorých spoločnými cieľmi sú zvyšovanie úrovne digitálneho marketingu na Slovensku a etické správanie v online priestore. Na formovaní tohto Kódexu ako partneri spolupracovali aj asociácie: Rada pre Reklamu a Slovenské združenie pre značkové výrobky. Právne konzultácie a formálnu úpravu kódexu sme realizovali v spolupráci s právnickou kanceláriou Nitschneider & Partners.