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Advertising Law Updates

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ICAS Adopts Priorities for 2018 & 2019

Following its annual meeting in Helsinki, the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation ("ICAS") announced its priorities for the next two years:

  • Becoming a source of information on advertising self-regulation;
  • Expanding the ICAS network; 
  • Raising awareness about advertising self-regulation among key decision-makers in the industry and goverment; and
  • Managing its own activities in a transparent and efficient way.  

ICAS also announced that next year's annual meeting is expected to be held in the second quarter of 2019. 

Members of ICAS include self-regulatory organizations such as the Advertising Self-Regulatory Council in the United States and the Advertising Standards Authority in the United Kingdom as well as industry associations such as the World Federation of Advertisers. 

The International Council for Ad Self-Regulation is a global platform which promotes effective advertising self-regulation.

