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Advertising Law Updates

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Chrome Ad Blocking of Annoying Ads Begins Today

Today, Chrome starts blocking advertisements that violate the standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads.  The Coalition's standards were developed based on research showing which types of online ads are the most unpopular with consumers.  

The Coalition's standards identify four types of desktop ads and eight types of mobile ads that are not acceptable.  For desktop, they are:

  • Pop-up ads
  • Auto-playing video ads with sound
  • Prestitial ads with countdown
  • Large sticky ads

For mobile, the unacceptable ads are:

  • Pop-up ads
  • Prestitial ads
  • Ad density higher than 30%
  • Flashing animated ads
  • Auto-playing video ads with sound
  • Poststitial ads with countdown
  • Full-screen scrollover ads
  • Large sticky ads

In addition to blocking ads, Google plans to evaluate sites based on their compliance with the standards, rating them as "Passing," "Warning," or "Failing."  

A big source of frustration is annoying ads


advertising, chrome, ad blocking, coalition for better ads