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A Reminder to Look at Advertising from "All Angles"

Mercedes-Benz issued an apology after receiving backlash for posting an inspirational quote from the Dalai Lama on its Instagram account. The post displayed a photo of a white Mercedes on a beach with the statement, "Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open."

The post became a big issue in China, the world's largest car market, where the Dalai Lama is considered to be an "anti-China separatist."  Mercedes-Benz apologized on Weibo, a Chinese social media site, stating "We are well aware of how this has hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, including our Chinese colleagues, and we offer our most sincere apologies." 

"Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open." Dalai Lama


instagram, weibo, advertising, social media