Cowboy Toyota has agreed to settle FTC charges that it deceptively advertised loan and leasing terms in ads placed in a regional Spanish-language newspaper. According to the FTC, Cowboy Toyota misrepresented various material terms and failed to clearly and conspicuously disclose terms required under the Truth in Lending Act and Consumer Leasing Act. The order not only prohibits Cowboy Toyota from making misrepresentations about its inventory, bars it from omitting material disclosures, but also requires that if a representation is made in one language, any material limitations must also be made in the same language.
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FTC Settles Charges With Car Dealership Over Spanish-Language Ads with English Disclosures
The FTC’s administrative complaint charges that Cowboy Toyota ran full-page Spanish-language ads claiming that consumers could buy or lease a vehicle at certain favorable terms that were prominently stated in Spanish in the ads, with material limitations to those terms provided only in fine-print English at the bottom of the ads. The complaint alleges the dealerships violated the FTC Act by misrepresenting many claims