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Advertising Law Updates

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Facebook to Allow Users to Block all Political Advertising

Yesterday, Facebook announced that it will allow Facebook and Instagram users to block all social issue, electoral, or political advertising from candidates, super PACs, and other organizations that have the "paid for by" political disclaimer on them.  

Facebook said that it is rolling out this feature first in the United States and then will make it available in certain other countries later this year.  Facebook said it is making these changes in response to the fact that users "have told us they want the option to see fewer political ads on Facebook and Instagram."  

Facebook also said it that it was changing the way in which political ads are shared, to ensure that when someone shares an ad, the "paid for by" disclaimer appears on the shared post.  Facebook said, "Starting today, disclaimers will stay on any political or issue ad that is shared so people can see who is behind it and who paid for it." 

"Political ads play an important role in every election – and this year will be no exception" -- Naomi Gleit, VP, Product Management and Social Impact


political advertising, facebook