As part of Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer's efforts to fight fraud in connection with the cornavirus pandemic, he announced a settlement with Yikon Genomics, which resolved charges that the company advertised and sold an in-home test kit for the virus.  

Feuer charged that, even though the FDA has not approved any testing for in-home use, Yikon marketed “at-home” test kits on their website and in social media -- and even promoted it as "FDA Approved."  As part of the settlement, the company agreed to stop selling the test kits and to provide refunds to consumers. 

Over the last several weeks, the City Attorney’s Office has also sent cease and desist letters to companies telling them to stop making unsubstantiated health claims about the prevention and treatment of the coronavirus, promoting unapproved medical devices, and engaging in price gouging of essential consumer goods, including masks, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies.  

At the end of last week, Feuer also filed criminal cases against ten businesses, alleging that they stayed open in violation of stay-at-home rules.  Feuer said, "The Mayor’s Safer At Home Order is working.  But all non-essential businesses need to comply, without exception. The sooner we achieve maximum compliance—from businesses and residents alike—the sooner all Angelenos can get back to work and resume our normal routines."