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Advertising Law Updates

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Google to Change Course, Allowing Coronavirus-Related Ads

According to media reports, Google has said that it plans to change course and start allowing some coronavirus-related ads to run on its platform.  Apparently, Google will soon allow government entities, hospitals, medical providers, and NGOs to run ads on coronavirus-related topics.  

In an e-mail to advertisers, Google informed markters that, “We’re planning to allow other advertisers, including political organizations, to run ads related to COVID-19. We will have more information to share on this in the next few days.”

Some platforms have restricted advertising on coronavirus-related topics, in order to prevent fraud and other misinformation.  With Google opening up its platform to additional advertising, it will be interesting to see whether others follow suit.

"We’re planning to allow other advertisers, including political organizations, to run ads related to COVID-19"


advertising, google, coronavirus