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Candy Maker Pulls Toy With Unintentional "KKK" Reference

If you've ever had a Kinder Surprise egg, you know that, in addition to the chocolate, there's a toy surprise inside.  Ferrero came under fire on social media after the company made what apparently was an unintentional reference to the KKK on the toy itself.

The toy is a little egg-shaped person, with big blond hair, holding three balloons, each with the letter "K" on it.  The company said that the "K" stands for Kinder and there was no intention to reference the hate group. Apparently, the limited edition toy originally had only one balloon, but when other balloons were added, the company didn't notice the KKK reference. 

Surprised consumers posted photos in social media of toy they received.  Ferrero apologized, saying that it discontinued the toy and would not ship any more eggs that contain it.  

"We had absolutely no intention to make associations with the Ku Klux Klan and we truly apologise to our consumers for any unintentional offence caused"