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Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance Releases New Guide to Social Media

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance just published the second edition of Social Media:  A Global Legal Perspective.  The book covers the law and self-regulatory guidance on social media in more than 65 countries -- from Argentina to Zimbabwe.  

Last published in 2013, the new edition contains updated guidance and adds new chapters on Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Dutch Caribbean, Egypt, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and the United Arab Emirates.  

GALA’s Social Media book is part of a series of advertising law guides published by GALA.  Other books in the series include Advertising Law, Alcohol Advertising, Ambush Marketing, Green Marketing, and Sweepstakes & Contests.

Hard copies of the book are available for purchase on Amazon.  If you'd like a free pdf copy, please let me know, and we'll e-mail it to you. 


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