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Advertising Law Updates

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Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance Annual Meeting Begins Tonight in NYC

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance annual meeting begins tonight in NYC.  We're pleased to welcome advertising lawyers from more than 50 countries for three days of meetings and other events.  

The annual meeting culminates with an advertising law seminar open to the public on March 14, 2018 -- "Advertising Law in the US and Around the Globe."  The program will have two panels, "Influencer Marketing" and "Conducting a Global Sweepstakes or Contest."  To register, or for more information, click here.   

As Chairman of GALA, I'm thrilled to have so many good friends joining us in New York City from around the world.  I'm also so pleased that we're hosting this seminar and I hope that you join us for what should be a great event.    


advertising, gala