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FTC and FDA Send Warning Letters About the Marketing of Opioid Cessation Products

The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") and the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") sent warning letters to eleven marketers and distributors of opioid cessation products.  In the letters, the FTC and the FDA alleged that the companies were illegally marketing the products with unproven claims about their ability to actually help in the treatment of opioid addition and withdrawal.  

This is an important reminder that the FTC looks closely at marketers' health claims and expects them to have competent and reliable scientific evidence that the products can do what they say they do.  

“Opioid addiction is a serious health epidemic that affects millions of Americans,” said Acting FTC Chairman Maureen K. Ohlhausen. “Individuals and their loved ones who struggle with this disease need real help, not unproven treatments. We will continue to work together with the FDA to address this important issue.”


advertising, ftc, fda